My BFF (Best FKG Friend!) is pissed off at me today because she keeps bemoaning her position with her man and then gets mad when I tell her "MY" opinion! It is because I have repeatedly told her that it is HER position to be the secretary and she does not want that JOB! Her man is a "Hard Man" and I am not necessarily talking about... you know! LOL! It is more a hard working man, that is tough, a little mean, been beaten but can beat back, slightly anti-social (they don't take to lettin "outsiders" in too close), gruff and generally a little contankerous!
When you hook up with a HM, you need to know what comes with the package! HM are hard workers and do not feel they need to be bothered with the "fineries", such as paperwork, social calenders, family business, shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, medical issues or gift buying! If you want to be with this kind of man then you accept certain things! Such as...
You are expected to take care of things like paying the bills and paperwork of all kinds because he does not have the time to do this stuff as he just works too hard all the time! Then there is the matter of EVERYTHING else that has to with running his household, making a safe, happy and comfortable HOME ... "soft" (easy, is what they think) things are womens work...that is why YOU are there! Handle it or get out!
Now she is mad at me... again... what can I say.... :(
I haven't gotten a "gift" that I didn't buy in decades! His gift to me, is his paycheck! I handle finances, shopping and most other aspects as before mentioned! Okay, okay, so I love my HM and wouldn't trade him for any Pansy Azz walking down the street, but I had to come to that conclusion, I didn't AWAYS feel that way!
Zahnpflege bei kleinen Kindern und Babys
10 years ago