Friday, December 4, 2009

Juvenile Breaks Into A Pharmacy?

So I wonder if it is the Pharmacy's Fault?  Should they really keep that much valuable product on the premises?  Also, I wonder if they really had that many people in that community with perscritions that even warrented them having that much product on hand?

I have noticed that one of the current favorite Marijuana Scare Tactics (Like the "Reefer Madness" Public Service Messages of yore) includes ominous warnings of increased crimes where people have "Marijuana on the premises", which apparently is an open invitation for crime. 

I am concerned that this is slipping by without notice.  I am to understand then that "Now" it is an invitation to crime to have anything that could be possibly perceived as "valuable" by a crook?  Really! Well clearly then ANYONE that owns guns, jewelry, coins, a Rolex or even has a lot of prescriptions worth A LOT OF MONEY, should also live in fear?  Oh yeah, and then be blamed for having asked for the crime to be committed against them?  The insurance companies would love this "Blame the victim for their own crimes" mentality I am sure!  "We should not have to pay that claim because you were asking to be robbed wearing that diamond necklace to the theater"!

You know, like the girl that dresses sexy is really just advertising to be raped!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Medical Marijuana Issue Ignorance Bluntly Pointed Out To Board Members

I wanted to applaud, as many did, not understanding it was out of protocol to do so!  Here-Here! To Jess B for asking the Council point blank if any one of them had ever bothered to read the Ca Compassionate Use Act Prop 215!  I would point out that this law passed in 1996, 13 years ago, and this council is voting on issues affected by this law and yet...

The somewhat surprise meeting this morning still had a turnout of medical marijuana patients (stoners do still get up everyday) as they fearfully tried to rally.  The fear is there because they fear retribution and societal recriminations!  Yet, some still gathered the strength to stand up and testify for their right to safe and affordable medical relief of their ailments.  A City council member once pointed out that they did not wish to have a debate as to whether or not Medical Marijuana is legitimate or not, merely what the city should do about the dispensaries!

I did attend the last City meeting as well. I must say that the complaints that I heard at both meetings were no worse than other complaints from establishments all over the city, from all types of businesses, i.e. noise, traffic, obnoxious odors, trespassing. loitering, etc... I also noticed the quick knee jerk reaction most people have to clamp down on these places ( the Collectives) without thinking about how those same rules should and could apply to numerous other establishments on "Shasta Planet" as well.

There is an awful lot of "Loitering" by undesirables in the Mt. Shasta Mall parking lot for example! I have clutched my belongings close many times as "Gangs" of teen wanna-be hoodlums strive to prove their bravado by roughing up other teens and or constituents out there!  Close the MALL before nightfall!   Make them all buy their "stuff" and then MOVE ON QUICKLY! (I heard those words from a council member myself as she was speaking on how the patients should be treated when picking up their meds at a collective!)  I would like to see someone show hard evidence of an increase in crime related to these clubs before they jump all over them based on hearsay and blatant exaggeration!

I find it hard to believe that they want rules implemented to prevent bad odors?  I assume this then opens process for other regulations based on other "Obnoxious odors" that are intolerable by any public en mass! I know of a woman that can barely go out into public because she has such severe reactions to some perfumes and common chemicals!  I can barely breathe when my neighbor burns his trash for days on end!  The people with all the horses across the way need to keep that rank odor And their flies under control!  This is merely the tip of that iceberg.  The odor is once a year, for a couple of weeks! The guy that insists on that fresh manure for his front yard twice a year is out doing that!

One of the council members stated that he believed that although there may be some patients that do benefit from the medical aspects of the marijuana that he believes most of the people are just using the CA 215 as an excuse to get high!  Well... I guess I cannot really deny that!  I am sure that is true.  The need to "get high" is definitely connected to being depressed!  Pain, Depression and Nervous Disorders are among the top reasons to be "Recommended" for the use of Medical Marijuana!  My question here is then, okay, so if instead these same people then denounce their Marijuana use and take up the use of some good old fashioned antidepressants and other "mood altering" psychoactive goodies it would be better?  Some most notable of which are Prozac, Zoloft, Elavil, Welbutrin, Cymbalta, ETC...  that are readily available with hardly even a physical exam of any kind. So, now this same person that was using marijuana, with little to no detrimental side effects, now is experiencing horrific and even life threatening as well as life shortening side effects instead for a handful of drugs that scientists cannot even tell you how or why they may or may not work!  Phew! By the way, does everyone know that the reason Cannabis even works at all is because there is specialized receptors just for THC in our Central Nervous System as well as our Immune System?  Hmmm... so we came already made that way....?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Hemp Harvesting!

Well, there is actually quite a bit of difference between the Hemp World and the Medical Marijuana Planet to say the least!  But it still took the Hemp farmers by surprise back (1937) when there was significant confusion after the vote to criminalize the Demon Weed "Cannabis" included their crops of Hemp too! Woa to the American Hemp Industry!  Too bad, as a fiber enthusiast I wish I could convey to all the nice, superior feeling and heft of a good Hemp fabric in your hand!

But back to the current news here, we are all done! A VERY meager showing for all the labor, sweat and stress we dedicated to this crop for sure!  I believe we have just enough to see us through the winter, not a very good yield! It gives me a whole new perspective on the dedication of the people that do this for profit or for the co-ops that provide for the other people unable to do their own gardening!  The so called "commercial" grower has to be giving more than just to be in it for more than the money.  Just like growing my precious $75.00 per pound tomatoes gave me a whole new respect for the farmers that provide us with our daily veggies did before!

Veg On! Buds Up!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

When To Harvest Debate Leaves Me Quite DRY!

This whole experience has been an education for my friend and I!  We have not stopped exploring the world of information that is out there to bombard our brains yet.  It has been very taxing on my old noggin and then twice as hard to rehash it and spin it out to make it more understandable.  Translating it from scientific lingo into an idea easier to wrap our warped minds around is the biggest challenge!

I have gleaned valuable tips and numerous suggestions as well as bona fide good advice to the best ways for cutting, hanging and curing cannabis than I would have ever imagened a couple of years ago! >WOW

We did get a very meager yeild this year, but it should be okay for us.  Next year we will do much better!  There might not be very much of it but it sure seems to be very nice just the same. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No Wonder It Is Called "Cultivation"!

I sure don't have to look up the meaning of that word... This plant requires more dam cultivation than my roses EVER did!  Now evidently I need to find a magnifying glass?  I am so lost here...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It IS Really Hard Partner With A Hard Man!

My BFF (Best FKG Friend!) is pissed off at me today because she keeps bemoaning her position with her man and then gets mad when I tell her "MY" opinion!  It is because I have repeatedly told her that it is HER position to be the secretary and she does not want that JOB! Her man is a "Hard Man" and I am not necessarily talking about... you know!  LOL! It is more a hard working man, that is tough, a little mean, been beaten but can beat back, slightly anti-social (they don't take to lettin "outsiders" in too close), gruff and generally a little contankerous!

When you hook up with a HM, you need to know what comes with the package!  HM are hard workers and do not feel they need to be bothered with the "fineries", such as paperwork, social calenders, family business, shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, medical issues or gift buying! If you want to be with this kind of man then you accept certain things!  Such as...

You are expected to take care of things like paying the bills and paperwork of all kinds because he does not have the time to do this stuff as he just works too hard all the time!  Then there is the matter of EVERYTHING else that has to with running his household, making a safe, happy and comfortable HOME ... "soft" (easy, is what they think) things are womens work...that is why YOU are there!  Handle it or get out!

Now she is mad at me... again... what can I say.... :(

I haven't gotten a "gift" that I didn't buy in decades!  His gift to me, is his paycheck!  I handle finances, shopping and most other aspects as before mentioned!  Okay, okay, so I love my HM and wouldn't trade him for any Pansy Azz walking down the street, but I had to come to that conclusion, I didn't AWAYS feel that way!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weed Woes

I have been trying to nurse this poor little "Charlie Brown" plant lately.  The poor thing is only about 8" high at best!  I know it is supposed to be grown by now! >WTF

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wild Ways With Weed!

Who knew there was so many ways to consume this drug? I have just recently been introduced to Cannabis Tea! Now that was interesting! Taste terrible and had questionable results for me although some others swear by it! Then of course there is Butter, Oil and Creams as yet to be explored!

I do not understand some of the exploratory ways with this medium but at least I understand the drive for relief from chronic pain and debilitating malingering!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The People Want To Grow Their Own Hemp? What Is This, 1763?

Taken from the web
Historical Documents:

Letter To Boston Evening Post For Publication:

Pubdate: June 20, 1763
Source: The Boston Evening-Post
Author: John Adams

(This is just an excerpt, a Short Quote, The article itself was a little hard to read with a lot of misspelling and olde language)

"I do say it would be nice thing if we could raise enuff Hemp to pay our rates, and bye a little rum and shuger, which we cant well do without, and a little Tea, which our Wifes wont let us have any peace without."


Monday, July 27, 2009

I Thought This Was A WEED?

Why the hell is it so complicated to just grow some?  The information is mind boggling, I have been reading this shyt for days!  I can barely make sense of most of it, it is like a whole new language, as if going to another country!

Guide to Cannabis
Wiki Weed Cult
International Green Porn

and so on and so on!

Whew!  WHO Knew?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

California May Have Another "GOLD RUSH" On Their Hands!

In this case the Gold may be GREEN! As in Marijuana, Cannibus, Ganja, weed pot green smoke blunt mary jane high smoking drugs ganja bud trees joint marijuana dank chronic pancakes maryjane stoned pothead purple reefer pancake tobacco stoner shit grass four-twenty holiday herb fuck ihop doobie grapes blunts bong baked celebration 4:20

Associated Press reports today that Ca making it legal!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why Do We Have To Pay Insurance Companies For Our Medical?

Wouldn't it just behoove us to pay the Fkg Doctors?  I used to have Government Doctors in the Military, I thought it was great!  No, I did not like sitting in the ER for 10 hours with an I.V. in one arm, a vomit tray in the other while sitting on the cammode with food poisening.  Never did get a room, but at least there was somebody on hand, say if I went into cardiac arrest or something! However, at least it was SOME kind of care!  Beats NOTHING which is what most people can afford right now!

What I do NOT understand is why we are making the INSURANCE companies FAT!  Cut out the middleman!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Smoke Pot! I Am Ganja Gaga! I Like Big Buds!

I am BONA-FIDE! Meaning I have my legal papers in order, a card carrying, TAX PAYING, legitimate toker of HERB! I am so sick of the people that sit back on their pious asses and hold "court" over MY PAIN!  Pain and the relief thereof is subjective!  In this case the subject is ME!  I am the subject, MY pain!  Even if YOU are not CONVINCED that it helps MY PAIN, as long as I am, who are YOU to say it doesn't?
I can walk into any doctor anywhere in any town and get a HANDFUL of NARCOTICS in just a few minutes!  Enough to kill me 6x over, they do help with Some of my problems, but the side effects are devastating and leave me unable to function in any NORMAL capacity.  The MJ helps take enough of the edge off that I can function and still get on with life!  So, even if YOU believe it not viable for medical purposes, if it helps me (I do not care if you think it is a PLACEBO) then that should be MY decision!  BTW, I suffered a devastating spinal cord injury that has left me with lifelong, debilitating nerve damage with spasms, pain and partial loss of function on one side of my body!

I even had someone say to me that this beneficial effect was all in "my mind", that it didn't really relieve anything.  Okay, so then, if I have traded in my handful of "goodies" for a few hits of pot, and it works for me, why does it bother you?  Seriously do you think it would be better to continue taking my prescription Norco, Valium, Neurontin, Zoloft, Ambien and Flexeril in doses guaranteed to stop me from even crawling out of bed? Besides the physilogical ramifications, they also leave me unable to talk straight, drive, cook, shop or any other task requiring a brain or motor skills!

Maybe your right, maybe it won't "take away" my ailments...but I don't seem to care nearly as much!  I rarely use any of the above mentioned drugs even though I have full bottles in my cabinet.  I would rather take a couple of tokes, drink some tea or whatever form of Cannabis "relieves" my symptoms, oh, and I can still get out of bed, hold a conversation above a second grade level and do a little living too!

Ever see "Shallow Hal"?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shopaholic VS Spendaholic!

So seriously, this has become a real issue lately! I can't stand it! I do not understand why my family has such a hard time just dealing with my HABIT! I am not a SPENDAHOLIC! I am not out there spending the family fortune here! Nay, the OPPOSITE is true... I shop to save money!

Here is my typical shopping pattern when left to my own accords. First of all if it is groceries, I like to go to "Discount" first to see what they have that is new, interesting and a BARGAIN! This would more than likely take about 1 1/2 hours on average and I would spend around $50 - $100. This would usually include many Health & Beauty items, Deli foods, Condiments, canned goods, Beverages ( both Alchoholic and Non) and House Care products too! Then i would head straight away to FoodCo where I lay down another 1 1/2 hours and $75 - $100. My family assures me I am just wasting my time, but I know better, I save money AND I have FUN doing it! Yes!

Okay, so I said it! Yes, shopping is FUN! I like it! Beat me, whip me, show me a good old dark overstuffed Thrift Store and you'll lead me to FantasyLand! My Kit says she cannot shop without money! I say she is spoiled to the ends of earth! I shop often without buying a thing, this is merely a scouting expedition!

How are you to recognize a bargain in the flesh if you have no idea what it looks like with your own eyes in it's "Natural" habitat! How can you know the feel of REAL irish linen until you hold the heft in your hand? The smell of genuine silk without smelling it first? Can you understand a handcrafted piece until you watch it crafted? What does a original painting really look like? What does QUALITY feel like? If you do not have an example in your minds eye... you have nothing to compare or judge it by!

THAT is Shopping! Not just "Spending" for the thrill of buying something regardless of it's value or need!