So I wonder if it is the Pharmacy's Fault? Should they really keep that much valuable product on the premises? Also, I wonder if they really had that many people in that community with perscritions that even warrented them having that much product on hand?
I have noticed that one of the current favorite Marijuana Scare Tactics (Like the "Reefer Madness" Public Service Messages of yore) includes ominous warnings of increased crimes where people have "Marijuana on the premises", which apparently is an open invitation for crime.
I am concerned that this is slipping by without notice. I am to understand then that "Now" it is an invitation to crime to have anything that could be possibly perceived as "valuable" by a crook? Really! Well clearly then ANYONE that owns guns, jewelry, coins, a Rolex or even has a lot of prescriptions worth A LOT OF MONEY, should also live in fear? Oh yeah, and then be blamed for having asked for the crime to be committed against them? The insurance companies would love this "Blame the victim for their own crimes" mentality I am sure! "We should not have to pay that claim because you were asking to be robbed wearing that diamond necklace to the theater"!
You know, like the girl that dresses sexy is really just advertising to be raped!
Justice for George Floyd....
3 years ago
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