I so lifted this picture from the internet and cannot find where now...
I have found that there is a determinative level between "just enough" and "too much" when using my Medical Marijuana. It varies slightly between Strains and Types, but there is still a "cut-off" point between what it takes to trim the proverbial "edge" off my pain level and sitting someplace drooling on myself while engrossed in "Little House On The Prairie"! I like to just be able to forget about my pain enough to be temporarily distracted by doing my simple activities and chores! In comparison of course, the usual Pharmacological Cocktail I
would be on, to reach the same level of pain tolerance, would have me curled up on the couch for the entire day! They would usually make me feel like I am about to pass out and I feel nauseous most of the time. So, I gladly take a little time to titrate my dosages and methods for a Medication that makes me feel good instead of worse than my illnesses! :)
I have become a real Princess when it comes to smoking my Cannabis, I am fastidious and clean my apparatus several times a week, I use a "filter", use a bees wax wick for lighting and I use very small amounts because I do not like smoking a "brown bowl"... I am so spoiled...
I really wish I had a Vaporizer, but unfortunately they are out of my financial grasp at the moment! :-}
I must say, "Hats Off" to the wonderful Staff over there at Redding's "
Nature's Nexus" they are knowledgeable, courteous and very friendly! (Fun too) ... :)