I so lifted this picture from the internet and cannot find where now...
I have found that there is a determinative level between "just enough" and "too much" when using my Medical Marijuana. It varies slightly between Strains and Types, but there is still a "cut-off" point between what it takes to trim the proverbial "edge" off my pain level and sitting someplace drooling on myself while engrossed in "Little House On The Prairie"! I like to just be able to forget about my pain enough to be temporarily distracted by doing my simple activities and chores! In comparison of course, the usual Pharmacological Cocktail I
would be on, to reach the same level of pain tolerance, would have me curled up on the couch for the entire day! They would usually make me feel like I am about to pass out and I feel nauseous most of the time. So, I gladly take a little time to titrate my dosages and methods for a Medication that makes me feel good instead of worse than my illnesses! :)
I have become a real Princess when it comes to smoking my Cannabis, I am fastidious and clean my apparatus several times a week, I use a "filter", use a bees wax wick for lighting and I use very small amounts because I do not like smoking a "brown bowl"... I am so spoiled...
I really wish I had a Vaporizer, but unfortunately they are out of my financial grasp at the moment! :-}
I must say, "Hats Off" to the wonderful Staff over there at Redding's "
Nature's Nexus" they are knowledgeable, courteous and very friendly! (Fun too) ... :)
An interesting post. I suspect you're not alone. I see many collectives thriving. Glad it's working better than the alternatives. I don't know much about vaporizers. How much do they cost? Just curious. It seems like you'd want to protect your lungs. What about edibles? Does that work for you too? Again, best wishes.
Hi Skip, Thanks for the Positive Thoughts... Vaporizers are around $500 +/-, a little too much for me right now! I have tried edibles, they do have some effect but the cost for pain relief in my case would be exorbitant, because I am buying over the counter! If I could grow my own, the cost for edibles would not be a factor and worth exploring, but that is not about to happen! :)
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