Monday, July 27, 2009

I Thought This Was A WEED?

Why the hell is it so complicated to just grow some?  The information is mind boggling, I have been reading this shyt for days!  I can barely make sense of most of it, it is like a whole new language, as if going to another country!

Guide to Cannabis
Wiki Weed Cult
International Green Porn

and so on and so on!

Whew!  WHO Knew?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

California May Have Another "GOLD RUSH" On Their Hands!

In this case the Gold may be GREEN! As in Marijuana, Cannibus, Ganja, weed pot green smoke blunt mary jane high smoking drugs ganja bud trees joint marijuana dank chronic pancakes maryjane stoned pothead purple reefer pancake tobacco stoner shit grass four-twenty holiday herb fuck ihop doobie grapes blunts bong baked celebration 4:20

Associated Press reports today that Ca making it legal!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why Do We Have To Pay Insurance Companies For Our Medical?

Wouldn't it just behoove us to pay the Fkg Doctors?  I used to have Government Doctors in the Military, I thought it was great!  No, I did not like sitting in the ER for 10 hours with an I.V. in one arm, a vomit tray in the other while sitting on the cammode with food poisening.  Never did get a room, but at least there was somebody on hand, say if I went into cardiac arrest or something! However, at least it was SOME kind of care!  Beats NOTHING which is what most people can afford right now!

What I do NOT understand is why we are making the INSURANCE companies FAT!  Cut out the middleman!