Monday, October 4, 2010

They STOLE My POT Man!! Is There A MMJ POLICE?l?

So, I guess this is just the hazard of being at the mercy of regulations that keep me from providing my own plants?  If I could grow my own little measly few (3-4) plants I would not have to "farm out" my medical recommendation to someone else to grow for me, and now of course they would not just be keeping it!  What can I do?  I sure can't physically go over there and confront them!!  So, after buying plants/seeds for the "group", special soil, nutrients and so on in the $$hundreds of dollars, the entire season is now over, I have no hope of recouping, I now have zero (0) medication because they got mad (?)!  Won't even take my calls...

I am thinking now, I should have considered that Morphine Implant....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Reefer Madness Tactic "High At Work!" We Are All Going To Die Now!! Public Safety Is At Risk!!

And then we are going to eat your babies, rape your dogs and burrow under your house while you sleep!
Really?  I could ROFL just thinking about the people hanging from the rafters, laughing hysterically, eyes flicking wildly as they try to serve our breakfast, ring a sale or stamp our tickets!  Maybe the cop that stops me will just want to try my stash!
City council meetings would be a lot more fun! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Am Offended By That Thing That Blinks At Me Incessantly...

Why and how is it that now my "Machine" can demand my attention?  "Clean" is all the letters next to the blinking light proclaim, but in my mind it might as well be saying,

"Get off yo lazy azz and clean up something around here, why you always got to let everything go? You need to be paying more attention to the house and less attention to all that blah, blah, blah..."!

This is the price I pay for a premium coffee machine?  Now it has an attitude?  I see why BigBucks coffee houses make it, because people do not want to deal with this whole buy it, grind it, do what with those grounds?, ewww that pot looks GROSS!, and now a frkn "Clean ME" demand button too?

Or, like my baby sister would have dealt with it, "It dosen't work anymore so I threw it out", now would make pefectly good sense to me! :)

Off I go to dig out the white vinegar....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"I feel Bad That I Haven't Kept Contact, But I Just Can't Stand To See The Suffering!"

This is paraphrasing the conversation I was earjacking while waiting my turn in line at a local warehouse store recently.  I admit the roar in my ears was a little to cause some loss of the exact wordage, but that is the gist of it none the less!!

Also why I have no friends...

Well, okay so my loud, obnoxious and overbearing personality may have a little to do with it too...
But, to prattle on...

I came up with this "ditty", and you can quoute me,  that I was just DYING to shout out:

"I realize that my pain and suffering is causing you emotional discomfort, and although I am sorry for this, I will not cease to exist so that YOU are more comfortable!!"


Monday, August 2, 2010

Wow, I Am Blown Away! The Real Mitch English read My Blog!!

I have to tell you, I have a real thing for Mitch, he has always reminded me of what my second son probably would look and be like as an adult!  So I have to admit he is my favorite "Daily Buzz" guy!!  I especially love the way he can be so serious when he is actually yanking your chain!!  I tell you, THAT is a gift!! :)  Now I have to say that Kia is as sharp as a tack, wit, humor and looks with just enough B**ch to make it saucy!!  I rank her right up there with one of my other Fav's Sarah Hoskins from my most watched T.V. Channels "Current T.V."  Love it too!!I think they should give Andrea a spot with Sarah... THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!  LOL!

I Have To Confess To One Of My Silly Little Indulgences...

I love the Daily Buzz!  Even though I know it is not local news, I just love their style and delivery!  Beats CNN for entertainment!  Of course your not supposed to be entertained when your watching the news now are you?  Opps, well I guess I am pretty spoiled that way, I am so complacent in my quiet little world where I can hide from reality...

Besides, it is followed by Martha and Lord knows I cannot go without my daily fix of spite and jealousy!  Oh, Uhm, I mean admiration and adoration for sure....

One of today's pressing questions (?) Spank'em or no? Boy have I got some choice thoughts on that, but I guess it can be summed up with the best one liner I heard this morning, "Spank That Ass!!"

Friday, June 11, 2010

I Quit Smoking Cigarettes For Marijuana!

It was a great trade off!

I smoked cigarettes for 30+ years!

I started suffering from bouts of chronic joint pain and swelling when I was in my mid to late 20's.  The doctors diagnosed me with early onset Arthritis and slapped me with a barrage of meds which included Steroids, Massive doses of NSAIDS, Pain and various other goodies thrown in for flair(?)!  It was not long before I was taking more drugs to counter the horrible side effects from the other drugs.  What a vicious cycle I was caught up in!  I would take the drugs for awhile then back off to heal up from the drugs, just to have more "flare ups" of pain and swelling!

After a few years of this up and down cycle, I heard the term Fibromyalgia for the first time.  SO... it turns out that all those years spent treating my "Arthritis" was just chasing my "fibroids" around!  No worry, oh, wait, there isn't any real treatment for this practically folkloric disease, so basically, suffer!  Oh, and get your head examined!

Then one time during the suffering, I happened to go to a friends house for a Party. At this party there was some MJ smoking taking place and I was invited to join in. I had not smoked MJ since my Teen years and thought it would be a kick and so I joined them and smoked it.  I was an inexperienced Bong Hitter, so it was definitely an adventure and I did get quite "relieved" from the immediate annoyance of nagging, throbbing joint pain without even realizing it!   Now, I know that the MJ going around these days IS more powerful than it was in my youth, so what?  It just takes less to get "there" is all!  It is not like your going to OD!  There is no such thing as a MJ overdose, can't happen, you just fall asleep!

The amazing thing was that the NEXT day, I could feel there was a very definite lessening of my stiffness as well as the "nagging" (like tiny creatures taking bites) sensations whenever I moved around.  I had not had any other "meds" in some time by then and knew right away there was a connection to the MJ!  Needless to say, I was quick to look into MMJ as a relief!

Since I already knew that the cigarettes were very detrimental to my well being, I did not think that smoking BOTH the MJ and the Ciggys should go on and I had to give one up!  It took me a couple of months to decide that the MJ was going to stay so the Poison Logs had to go!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Marijuana As The Gateway To Evil...

The only reason ANY thing such as MJ, Alcohol or even Tobacco are a "GATEWAY" is because adults lie to children. They should be given the facts truthfully and taught how to make reasonable decisions based on potential consequences instead of just doing what they are told out of fear! Fear is instilled by the adults in their lives that want to control them without trying to teach them the reasoning behind the message "drugs are bad"!  Now, when (if) they do dabble with the "goodies" under peer pressure or by hapenstance, they discover that they didn't suddenly collapse, die, kill someone or whatever other "fear of God" catastrophe that was supposed to happen, DIDN'T, they feel the “Big Lie” burn! In fact they probably enjoyed it and had a good time, now they are emboldened to do not only more of the first taste of naughty fun, but now ready to check out what "other fun" things they maybe missing out on too! They believe that the adults in their life just do not want them to have “adult fun”, just like SEX!   Now they do not trust adults because the beer, sex, drugs, (?) wasn't terrible at all!

Now who opened that damn GATE?
Just try to get them back in NOW!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Taxing Medical Marijuana Schemes Seem To Be The Trend

I am not sure how this tax law here would REALLY work, but it sure seems that everyone involved is starting to see a big fat cash cow instead of suffering people trying to get their medicine!  I am not talking about the proposals to legalize and tax the sale of Marijuana for recreational use!  That is cool and groovy, really, roll em, package em and tax em for the public to get their jollies, I do not care!  BUT...

I am concerned that the revenuers (as my Grandpappy would speak) are going to be throwing the Medical Marijuana Patients, just providing their own homegrown medicine, in jail for tax evasion!

I used to own my own business and if I used goods that I produced for my own use then I had to pay the taxes on their "value".

So If the Tax Man is allowed to put a "perceived value" on my plants, I then would owe the tax on that "value" after personal use! 

What happens if my plants fail?  Or, if they just under produce?

My friend grew 3 plants, same place, same plants, a little differences in technique, I grew 7.

My friends end yeild with 3 plants was just a hair over 2 pounds, about 36 ounces.  I however, with 7 plants just barely yielded 13 ounces.

We all are only growing our own with no intent to sell, we each have our own reccomendations, we would each have to file for a license to grow, how would that be taxed?

Is there a revenuer in the house?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

So Now What Is Going To Happen To All Those Fancy Redding / Shasta Co.Medical Marijauna Regulations?

I was waiting for someone else to start this conversation, but it sure has been mighty quiet around these parts concerning Medical Marijuana since the Ca. Supreme Court ruling that said cities and counties could not restrict the amount of medicine available to Medical Marijuana patients!  Hello....

What's up?


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I should Be Put Down Like A Sick Dog?...Now, Tell Me How You Really Feel!

 Just a recap here, because I have "Issues", I do use the motorized carts when I go shopping, although, I now live in fear that I will end up Here

I was recently privileged to find myself in, yet again, another long line at the local, famously overcrowded "Super" store.  When, just ahead of me a couple of warm bodies, there is a rather loud conversation I am obliged to overhear.  It is such a enlightening conversation too!  It involves one of those bobbing head, young, "yes" men types and one large, knuckle-dragging, loudly boisterous, self proclaimed, "Gun Toting Republican"!  He proceeded to declare that the disabled and handicapped should just be allowed to "Expire" peacefully, without care.  If they can't fend for themselves or have no hope of recovery, then they should just be given a "way out".  Especially those babies that are born "Retards" with all kinds of problems, draining the health care system!  They should not even be allowed to do all that life saving stuff on them!  It could be done in a humane way of course, maybe just a shot or something!

He went on about how animals are put down in humane ways already so they know the best ways...

Do we get a chance?  Maybe at least put it to some kind of vote by a couple of people before the injection?

Mentally, I often feel this is how the weak and sick of our society are being treated. Get out of our way, let the strong survive, every man for himself and let the wealthiest among us decide where, when, how and IF to dole out the scraps from their tables! 

The Fit And Rich Should Rule!