Sunday, January 24, 2010

So Now What Is Going To Happen To All Those Fancy Redding / Shasta Co.Medical Marijauna Regulations?

I was waiting for someone else to start this conversation, but it sure has been mighty quiet around these parts concerning Medical Marijuana since the Ca. Supreme Court ruling that said cities and counties could not restrict the amount of medicine available to Medical Marijuana patients!  Hello....

What's up?


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I should Be Put Down Like A Sick Dog?...Now, Tell Me How You Really Feel!

 Just a recap here, because I have "Issues", I do use the motorized carts when I go shopping, although, I now live in fear that I will end up Here

I was recently privileged to find myself in, yet again, another long line at the local, famously overcrowded "Super" store.  When, just ahead of me a couple of warm bodies, there is a rather loud conversation I am obliged to overhear.  It is such a enlightening conversation too!  It involves one of those bobbing head, young, "yes" men types and one large, knuckle-dragging, loudly boisterous, self proclaimed, "Gun Toting Republican"!  He proceeded to declare that the disabled and handicapped should just be allowed to "Expire" peacefully, without care.  If they can't fend for themselves or have no hope of recovery, then they should just be given a "way out".  Especially those babies that are born "Retards" with all kinds of problems, draining the health care system!  They should not even be allowed to do all that life saving stuff on them!  It could be done in a humane way of course, maybe just a shot or something!

He went on about how animals are put down in humane ways already so they know the best ways...

Do we get a chance?  Maybe at least put it to some kind of vote by a couple of people before the injection?

Mentally, I often feel this is how the weak and sick of our society are being treated. Get out of our way, let the strong survive, every man for himself and let the wealthiest among us decide where, when, how and IF to dole out the scraps from their tables! 

The Fit And Rich Should Rule!